Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Panic at the Disco - High Hopes

The year 2005, Panic at the Disco release their debut album “A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out."  The second single “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” climbs to number seven in the billboard charts in the United States of America. We got a hit on our hands. Panic at the Disco become a household name, kind of. What is next from Panic at the Disco?

I never heard of them again for years.

Back in 2005 I bought the Panic at the Disco debut album. They had good songs other than “I Write Sins Not Tragedies,” I thought the fifth track “Camisado” was the best on the album, and I am not sure anyone I know has ever heard it before. That is sort of the problem, everyone stopped paying attention beyond “I Write Sins Not Tragedies.” Panic at the Disco continued to make music, critically acclaimed music, but no one seemed to be listening to it. I guess I am better than most, I stopped paying attention beyond the album “A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out,” and they have had five albums since then.

Several years ago, I happened across a clip from a live performance of Panic at the Disco where front man Brendon Urie exclaimed his boredom with the song ““I Write Sins Not Tragedies” and having to perform it every show. A direct result of the singular popularity of that song.

I felt really bad for Brendon. I knew little about Panic at the Disco, but I knew more than that one song. It was too bad that most of the world forgot about him.

Then in the year 2018, Panic at the Disco release their sixth studio album “Pray for the Wicked” and the second single “High Hopes” blows up. This song peaks at number four on the billboard charts, higher than ““I Write Sins Not Tragedies” ever reached. We got a hit song on our hands. Panic at the Disco will never be considered a one-hit-wonder. Brendon now has two songs he has to play at every concert. I hope he is happy. I mean that, I really hope Brendon is happy, he is a talented song writer I really hope his recent commercial success brings him some joy.

What else has Brendon been up to lately? What’s this? “ME!” A collaboration with Taylor Swift?

Taylor Swift - ME! Featuring Brendon Urie

Oh, that is bad. That is really bad. This adds an entire extra layer to my perspective on things. What has Brendon from Panic at the Disco become?

Some additional research reveals to me that Panic at the Disco is now a solo act for Brendon Urie, and it appears he has decided to be a pop rock star instead of an indie rock star. This is what we like to call “selling out.”

Well this is a disappointing development. But here’s the thing, I am too old to care.

There comes a time in a man’s life where the existence of artificial corporate pop music is no longer so offensive. Every generation believes their current top forty is the worst it has ever been, and that music is all garbage now because they can tell the top pop tracks are terrible, but time corrects everything. If you look at any top charts list, from any country, since the years they started recording such things, you will find that not a single year has very many truly memorable songs, but the songs you do remember, they are gigantic classics that everyone loves forever. The truth is short term popularity is infinitely less valuable then being appreciated forever.

Knowing all this, hearing the current manufactured music does not bother me anymore. In the long run people will still be listening to Mozart just like people will still be listening to Michael Jackson. Pop music is random, and we should not let it bother us even when it is particularly horrible.

For all I know, maybe Brendon Uria always wanted to be a pop star. He looks happy dancing with Taylor Swift, even if the whole music video is a huge cringe tornado. To the best of my knowledge this is the only collaboration Taylor Swift has ever done, and it was a hit, so from a perspective focused on success, congratulations Brendon.

You know what, maybe Brendon woke up one day and said, “fuck it, I want to buy my mom a house,” and this motivated him to make some money by trying his hand at pop music. Who am I to judge?

The point is, I am too old to be upset about unimportant things like complete strangers trying to make money. I just think it is nice that a band like Panic at the Disco can have a hit song in 2019. Furthermore, I think “High Hopes” is a very nice catchy pop rock song, and I am happy people other than just me are enjoying it.

- King of Braves

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