Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grape Diggers - Chasing Butterflies

The Internet is a scary place sometimes. There are things I never knew existed and certainty never wanted to see that I am now completely desensitized too thanks to the Internet. Like any mixed blessing you have to live with some regret….

On the brighter side of things the Internet is a wonderful place to find music. Oh sure the record labels that try to convince you to buy third rate shit on the radio, they would go so far as to call it “pirating.” I’ll have you know all of the bands/music I’ve downloaded off the Internet I already possessed a physical copy, or do now, or am working on it. So basically they are saying, “screw a free market you are suppose to buy crap.” Screw you right back fat cats, long live technology.

One particular evening I was viewing some flash animation by artist David Firth. You might, and probably should know him for his “Salad Fingers” series, Salad Fingers is really freaking weird. I mean it when I say really freaking weird, that Firth guy knows horror.

As I browsed through David Firth’s site I came across his music section, since he creates his own music for his own flash animations. I quite enjoyed the heavy intense atmospheric music that so well fit some of his freakier shorts, I thought I’d have a look. Unbeknownst to me, he actually has something of a rock group with a couple of friends, and to stay of the course of being weird they named themselves; “Grape Digging Sharon Fruits,” or just “Grape Diggers” for short. They are actually quite good, and more importantly they are very different from anything you or I have ever heard before.

We would never know about these talented weirdoes if not for the Internet, so once again screw you fat cats.

The one song that I particularly liked is harder to find now that I look again, so lucky all you that I’m sending it to you know. The title of the song says a lot but doesn’t necessarily say it all; “Chasing Butterflies (Bionic Commando version).” It is hard to describe so I’ll just let you listen and absorb it as best you can. One thing I think we will be able to agree on is that this is quite a unique and enjoyable song.

If you are as intrigued as I was then here are the links you need to know to download more Grape Digging Sharon Fruits:

In fact there appears to a lot of new material since last I checked over a year ago, so I got some downloading to do too.

Since Halloween is coming up you might want to check out Firth’s site there is some scary shit on there, the kind of stuff that makes you go “woah, that’s intense….” There is also some really funny stuff too, so enjoy, enjoy.

Until next month, keep on rocking in the free world.

- Colin

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