Sunday, February 4, 2024

Edenbridge - The Moment is Now

I have been casually listening to Edenbridge for years. They crept into my algorithm a long time ago and they were a welcome addition. Because I have been listening casually to Edenbridge, many of their song titles escape my memory. I know them better for parts of their songs from many a playlist. Only a handful of individual songs have created permanent space in my waking thoughts. Easily “The Moment is Now” stand above the rest, currently, in my thoughts about Edenbridge.

Edenbridge hail from Austria, this is exciting for me, because this is the first time I am rambling about a band from that country. Man, there is so much beauty in the world. The driving force behind Edenbridge appears to be twofold; guitarist and keyboard player Lanvall and trained soprano singer Sabine Edelsbacher. So Edenbridge is tapping into the proud metal tradition of employee a highly trained professional female vocalist to rock the house.

It is a formula that works. As far as I know, it works every time. It worked for Edenbridge; they rock. Edelsbacher is a great singer, and her voice is the flame that burns brightest in an illuminous metal band.

To date, Edenbridge has had eleven studio albums, that averages a new album every other year. A very workman like effort. After producing four albums in five, maybe seven, years, Edenbridge joined the best music producing company in the world Napalm records and recorded their fifth studio album “The Grand Design.” Their 2017 album “The Great Momentum” is the album that holds my favorite track of theirs’ (currently). These two albums pop out to me, for two main reasons. First, “The Grand Design” and “The Great Momentum” are the two albums I am most familiar with by Edenbridge. Second, there is a theme we can project here; just the naming conventions of these two albums share something, “Grand” vs “Great,” but also, perhaps pinnacle moments in the career of the band? As in, with the badass label of Napalm Records a grand design as laid out for what Edenbridge would become going forward? Then eleven years later, the momentum, great that it is, has reached a powerful peak? I do not know, but my mind likes to wander.

Lyrically, “The Moment is Now” is about exactly what the title states, do not wait, act now. Act fast.

“The moment is now for igniting the fire.”

“The moment is now or never.”

Criticism is easy. Creativity is hard. We all struggle with our creative projects, and only the most talented, lucky, and engineered, are professionally successful enough to make their art a career. So, for most of us, through out all time, struggle to find the time and energy. Edenbridge’s “The Moment is Now” is a really good pick up. I relate the artistic side to lack of motivation because the source of the message is from the high art of power metal, so the struggle for them, would be principally creative. Then again, given Edenbridge’s output, I suspect they are masters of finding inspiration.

A reoccurring opinion I see and hear expressed is that Edenbridge is very overlooked. I highly doubt, my little blog on the internet carries any weight, but I agree with the sentiment. To me, Edenbridge, exists in the same vein as Nightwish and Within Temptation. For all I know, Edenbridge is Austria’s answer to those aforementioned bands. A worthy addition to the European power metal scene. A most worthy addition to my playlist. Thank you for existing Edenbridge. Perhaps the album title ties directly into this. Perhaps the great momentum is a surge of creative genius for Edenbridge, and that would ring true at least for a fan like myself.

Now I got to go, I have a bunch of Edenbridge and Dream Evil music I have not listened to yet.

- King of Braves