Friday, April 7, 2023

Avantasia - The Moonflower Society

It has been years, but I am stilling riding high from the two times I went to Germany to see Avantasia. Hamburg, Germany, is a fun city, I highly recommend visiting.

Avantasia is my band. It is the only band I have talked about, every single album they have on this blog. Last year, Avantasia unleased their ninth studio album “A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society.” I am not going to lie; I am a little surprised the momentum behind the super group has lasted nine albums now. I have always assumed that a serious amount of time and effort went into each Avantasia album, because how could it be any different? There are so many vocalists, presumably with different schedules, and there are always additional guest singers and other musicians, and several songs are always over eight minutes and all the songs are complicated. I guess what I am trying to say is, I am impressed with Tobias and friends output. I was impressed from the beginning, so things are working out great as far as I am concerned.

There were moments when I was unsure what more I could say about Avantasia, but thankfully Sammet’s choice of song writing is happily perfectly in tune with my personal tastes, so I always have something positive remark to add. This time around, I am very fond the of the principal track, or not quite title tack, “The Moonflower Society.”

Sometimes a song needs no assistance becoming forever memorable in my mind. I really like “The Moonflower Society” the song as it stands alone, but I am also very fond of the music video. I do not believe Sammet ever tells us the actual story behind his metal operas, which I both respect and enjoy. I respect the “show don’t tell” approach to story telling, and when this is done, it allows myself, and others, to use our own observations and imaginations to piece together the story only show, and never told. With the new soft animated visuals, my imagination has been perked a little more, but more so, I think I might be understanding the story a little better than before? Maybe?

In “The Moonflower Society” we meet all of the society I believe, and a good amount of imagination went into each one, each entity is only partially human at best, but all seem to be good natured if not keeping a distance of sorts. The main Sammet like skeleton in a top hat and suit is strongly hinted to be the protagonist himself but from another time, or magic, or something, in the “Kill the Pain Away.”

“Kill the Pain Away” is probably my second favorite song from Avantasia’s newest album, but for now “The Moonflower Society” has Bob Catley and I freaking love that guy. Who knows how my opinion might shift in the years to come. “Kill the Pain Away” just feature Floor Jansen, and I freaking love her. Those two songs are my front runners.

Kill The Pain Away:

Knowing the main circus leader of the Moonflower Society probably is a future or alternate version of the human protagonist, the music video must serve as a introduction of the main character, not only to the society, but also, to himself. That gives us a lot to think about. Also, a smiling moon and a starry dive into the deeps, and awakening back in his carriage, while the Moonflower society temporarily disappear from existence.

So, I like it a lot, song, video, and album.

I have been to Europe twice, and both times I made it an issue to see Avantasia live. I think it is important to have life goals, so I am just waiting for Avantasia to be a major dark of Wacken, or come to Toronto (I can’t imagine they would come to Calgary), or perhaps catch them again on a tour through Europe, visit some metal loving countries I have not been too yet. I am looking at you Sweden. The point is, I feel committed. Tobias Sammet is my guy and his bands Edguy and Avantasia are my jam, it pleases me to see great music continue to be created by him.

- King of Braves

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