Saturday, April 9, 2022

Clutch - Earth Rocker

I have seen Clutch live three times now. I saw them open for Black Label Society at the Big Four Building; I saw them open of Ozzy Osbourne at the Saddledome; and just recently I saw Clutch play The Palace. There are only so many bands I have seen live three times or more, generally it is a sign that I really like this band, so after so many years of not talking about Clutch, they are overdue for me to tell random strangers online to listen to them.

It is important to be honest, so I shall be perfectly so. Though it is embarrassing to admit this, despite seeing Clutch kick ass live before, twice, and hanging out with friends who frequently played Clutch songs, including multiple listens to “Blast Tyrant” on vinyl, my knowledge of Clutch was abysmal this entire time. One of the moments I enjoyed the most at The Palace for Clutch was this hard rock woman standing in front of me knowing all the words for four or five songs in a row and getting everyone around her to join in; and I could not; I did not know the words. I felt like I let her, and Clutch, down. This third concert, and that moment has pushed me to start giving Clutch the attention they deserve.

My favorite single moment of Clutch on April 1st, was “Earth Rocker.”

Presumably, I have heard “Earth Rocker” before, but I cannot recall. Because of my casual fan nature of Clutch previously, I may have missed this track altogether. But when I heard “Earth Rocker” live just recently, it was so bad ass that it will stay with me for the rest of my life. I had several moments like this at that concert but “Earth Rocker” more than any other.

The energy in a song like “Earth Rocker” is perfect for a rock concert, so that alone won me over, but the joy of seeing a meta value is the lyrics is always appreciated. Understand what these lines mean when say live:

“If you're going do it,
Do it live on stage, or don't do it at all.
If you're going do it,
You better take it to the stage, or don't do it at all.”

Right? After the quarantine, this was the first live song I have seen, so that lyric popped out at me.

But I would be lying if I pretend any line as easy to latch onto other than this one:


This perfectly delivered roar(?) follows the perfect cock rock chorus:

“I'm an earth rocker!
Everybody hear me now?
I'm an earth rocker!
Everybody get the message?”

Remembering that Clutch’s frontman Neil Fallon was written at least four songs about driving vehicles in outer space, I do not feel it is inappropriate of me to interpret “Earth Rocker” as an extension of that science fiction and presume that this is Neil explaining to non-earthlings what our rock and roll is all about.

Right? Everybody got the message? Then it only makes sense to bellow a good human exclamation after. Perfect song writing really.

Not every song needs to be poetry, but pure rock and roll like “Earth Rocker” and most Clutch songs are highly creative and bold in both design and lyric which gives a weirdo like me a lot to take in; and I appreciate that.

So, thank you Clutch for being road warriors and playing Calgary, Alberta, Canada. And my apologizes for not listening more sooner, fortunately the only person disadvantaged by my foolishness was me. No more of that, next time I am one-hundred percent going to be ready to sing along with “Earth Rocker” and hopefully I will earn that hard rock woman’s respect. It is good to have goals.

- King of Braves

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