Monday, September 27, 2021

Edwin - Alive

Does anyone else remember Edwin’s 1999 album “Another Spin Around the Sun?” Because I sure do. Mostly I remember the track “Alive,” and If I remember correctly that song was very popular for a moment in time. It is entirely possible that Edwin and his song “Alive” were only popular for a brief moment in time, which I happen to have been alive for and remember. Checking to see what else Edwin released, he did have two more albums, one in 2002 and another in 2006, but I have honestly never heard either. I am pretty sure I am in small but good company amongst those who do remember “Another Spin Around the Sun.”

Here is want I did not remember when I sat down to tell the internet how much I like and still enjoy Edwin’s “Alive;” Edwin, the man, was, and once again is, the lead singer of I Mother Earth, which I presume is much more well remembered then Edwin’s solo work. Here is the funny thing, I cannot recall a single I Mother Earth song from memory. But Edwin’s “Alive?” I have that song pretty much memorized.

Wait, “One More Astronaut” that is a I Mother Earth song I remember. Came to me just now, as I typed this sentence. That’s how I write these, mostly from memory.

It is possible I only thought Edwin’s “Alive” was meaningfully popular in 1999-2000 because my older brother and I both really liked it and listened to it a good amount. My brother even purchased a CD copy of “Another Spin Around the Sun.” I am confident that this contributes to my strong memory of this single song.

When I examine the general mood and themes of the music I enjoy, it is impossible to deny that sadness and reflection win the day over love and hope. The issue, as far I have come to believe it, is that most upbeat songs are simply lame. There is rarely much depth in happy songs, but sometimes, something more meaningful is expressed. In Edwin’s case he celebrates life, and the sheer wonder that it is.

Small things can be built on, and Edwin starts with an intriguing intro before saying this great opening verse:

“It feels so good to breath the air,
Another spin around the sun,
On this speck of light in the universe.
The gift of love is there for everyone.”

That last line is a little cheesy, but the first three lines more than make up for it. The simple act of breathing is not something to discard as completely trivial. When you gasp for breath, it sure feels good to breath the air. The song builds on this, but honestly it does not have too. When we get to the chorus:

“Ain’t it good to be alive?
To feel the sun strong against your face,
Strawberry blond waves of silky hair,
Spills over me like the milky way.

Ain’t it good to be alive?”

Another simple joy, the sun, on our skin, giving us everything we need, light, warm and life. Also, a simple question, is it not good to be alive? It sure beats the alternative if you ask me.

The casual mention of simple joys is appreciated, but for me it is the cosmic content that gives the song impact.

To adlib Carl Sagan, we live on a pale blue dot suspended in a sun beam. I do not know if Edwin was inspired at all by the great Carl Sagan, but part of me links the two. At a minimum Edwin was clearly thinking about the universe with “Alive.” I love the juxtaposition, between the two shared set of lyrics above. Something mundane, an everyday, constant even, action of breathing and living under the shine of a star. Next, something astronomical, literally, a focus on the vast darkness surrounding out comparatively tiny sun, and the stary night sky of our galaxy. This deliberate contrast shows the very finite limits of existence, but also invites us to recall how impactful and important the mundane, the trivial can be.

All of our lives are chessboards and all of us are kings.

Now, I do not know how parallel my musings and Edwin’s creative thoughts are, but I strongly suspect I have not wondered beyond our shared universe; which is hard to deny is an important theme in “Alive.” Still, I wonder how much I project. Either way, Edwin deserves a lot of credit for creating such a wonderful celebration of life, the universe and everything.

Memory is a funny thing. I barely remember very much about I Mother Earth. Edwin’s much more popular band is a faint memory from my youth, but his single song “Alive” from his less remembered debut solo album is a piece of music I constantly go back to. I could never forget it. To me, Edwin is the guy who wrote “Alive.”

I guess what I am trying to say is, thank you Edwin. Great song brother.

- King of Braves


It is a habit of mine to tell say “another spin around the sun,” instead of “happy birthday,” because I like to be different. Also, it is fun to say. As I finish writing this, I wonder if maybe I picked that up from Edwin’s debut solo album.

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