Saturday, September 5, 2009

David Bowie & NIN - Hurt

Holy crap it’s the 23rd and I still haven’t gotten around to my monthly review. I guess two jobs and school will do that.

I haven’t talked about enough live music, so today I shall. When I began to look over the large amount of live tracks on my computer there were quite a few that stood out as unique; strange covers, rare performances, last shows ever, things like that. But there is one that really is special.

According to Johnny Cash it is the greatest anti-drug song of all time, The Tea Party drew a lot of inspiration from the song to write “Psychopomp,” and even though the song is an almost obnoxious example of 90’s emo whining, it really is a great song. That song of course is Nine Inch Nails – Hurt.

Apparently David Bowie was a big fan of Trent Reznor, as you may remember they did do a duo on the song “I’m Afraid of Americans,” featured on Bowie's 1997 album “Earthling.” But what you probably didn’t know is the two went on tour together. Must have been a crazy show, Nine Inch Nails followed by Bowie, that would have been something to see.

Now I did not have the privilege of seeing Bowie and NIN together in concrete but thanks to the wonder of modern technology someone shared some of the live tracks over the internet, further proving the importance of online music sharing, because there is no way in hell any of us would be able to enjoy it otherwise.

One of the songs Bowie and Reznor sing together is, you guessed it, Hurt. While I love the Johnny Cash version, and I am also very fond of the original (except for the last screeching note), I have to conclude this version to be my favourite version of the song. I am fully willing to admit that it might be my favourite just because it has Bowie, and I freaking love Bowie.

It’s pretty far out and it is god damn awesome.

Until next month, keep on rocking in the free world.

- Colin Kelly

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